Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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27 Wildly Entitled Engaged Couples That Need Couple’s Therapy, Not A Wedding

27 Wildly Entitled Engaged Couples That Need Couple’s Therapy, Not A Wedding

1. The Bride Who Demands a New Dress

This bride insisted that her bridesmaid purchase a new dress because she thought the original one was “too pretty” and might outshine her own wedding gown. Yikes!

2. The Groomzilla with a Strict Menu

One groom demanded that all guests stick to his strict wedding menu with zero exceptions. If you had any dietary restrictions, too bad for you!

3. The Couple Who Hates Kids

These two made it clear that no kids were allowed at their wedding. When a guest tried to explain they couldn’t find a babysitter, the couple suggested they just “leave the kid at home alone.”

4. The Bride Who Wanted a Cash-Only Registry

One bride decided that she didn’t want any physical gifts, only cash. She went so far as to say that anyone giving a gift other than money wasn’t welcome at the wedding.

5. The Groom Who Banned Phones

This groom banned all phones during the ceremony and reception. He even threatened to have anyone caught with a phone escorted out by security.

6. The Bride Who Changed Her Mind

A bride who changed her entire wedding theme a week before the big day expected everyone in the bridal party to buy new outfits to match. Talk about last-minute stress!

7. The Couple with a Dress Code

They sent out a dress code that was not only highly specific but also incredibly expensive. Guests were expected to spend hundreds of dollars on their outfits just to attend.

8. The Bride Who Needed a Loan

This bride went as far as asking her friends and family for loans to cover her wedding expenses. She promised to pay them back… eventually.

9. The Groom Who Wanted a Destination Wedding

Without considering the financial burden, this groom insisted on a destination wedding in a remote location. Guests were expected to cover all travel and accommodation costs themselves.

10. The Couple Who Sent Invoices

If you RSVP’d “yes” but didn’t show up, this couple sent you an invoice for your meal. They wanted to make sure no penny was wasted.

11. The Bride Who Micromanaged Everything

From the color of the napkins to the exact angle of the chairs, this bride had to control every tiny detail. She even had a meltdown over the font on the place cards.

12. The Groom Who Was All About Gifts

This groom made it clear that the value of your gift should reflect how much you care about the couple. He even hinted at how much people should spend based on their income!

13. The Bride Who Demanded Perfection

She had a very specific vision for her wedding and expected everyone to follow it to the letter. When things didn’t go exactly as planned, she threw a major fit.

14. The Couple Who Wanted a Social Media Ban

Not only did they ban phones, but they also requested that no one post anything about the wedding on social media until they gave the green light. They wanted the first post to come from them.

15. The Bride Who Expected Free Services

This bride expected her friends who were photographers, makeup artists, and musicians to offer their services for free as a “wedding gift.” When they declined, she was furious.

16. The Groom Who Had a Fitness Requirement

He wanted all his groomsmen to hit the gym and get in shape before the wedding. He even created a workout plan for them to follow.

17. The Bride Who Changed the Guest List

She kept changing the guest list up until the last minute, causing chaos for those trying to plan around it. Some people didn’t know if they were invited or not until the day before.

18. The Couple Who Wanted a No-Gift Wedding

They claimed they didn’t want any gifts but then complained when people actually showed up empty-handed.

19. The Bride Who Was Obsessed with Photos

She had a list of must-have photos that was pages long and expected the photographer to capture every single one. She even got upset when the photographer couldn’t get a shot of a rainbow that disappeared before he could grab his camera.

20. The Groom Who Wanted a Bachelor Party Funded

He expected his groomsmen to not only plan but also fund an extravagant bachelor party. When they couldn’t afford it, he accused them of not caring about him.

21. The Bride Who Wanted a Custom Cake

She demanded a custom cake that cost thousands of dollars and threw a fit when her parents refused to pay for it. She even threatened to cancel the wedding.

22. The Couple Who Wanted a Second Wedding

After their first wedding didn’t go as planned, they wanted to have a second wedding and expected everyone to attend again. This time, they promised it would be perfect.

23. The Bride Who Had a Hair and Makeup Schedule

She created a strict schedule for hair and makeup and expected everyone to follow it to the minute. If you were late, you were out of the wedding party.

24. The Groom Who Wanted a Specific Car

He wanted to arrive at the wedding in a very specific car and was upset when he couldn’t find anyone willing to lend it to him. He even considered renting one at a ridiculous cost.

25. The Bride Who Expected a Speech

She asked her maid of honor to write and memorize a long, heartfelt speech, and got upset when it wasn’t exactly what she wanted.

26. The Couple Who Wanted a Weekend-Long Event

They planned a wedding that lasted an entire weekend and expected all their guests to take time off work and attend every single event.

27. The Bride Who Wanted a Surprise Proposal

She wanted her fiancé to surprise her with a proposal at the wedding itself, even though they were already engaged. She wanted the moment to be Instagram-perfect.

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