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Come, Let’s All Get Together And Lament About How Horrible Bosses Are With These 22 Real-Life Stories

Let’s Share Our Worst Boss Stories

We all have those days when work feels like a never-ending nightmare, and sometimes, the reason is our boss. If you’ve ever had a boss who made you question your life choices, you’re not alone. Here are 22 real-life stories from people who have dealt with some of the worst bosses imaginable.

1. The Petty Thief

“My boss would take money from the tip jar and say it was for ‘office supplies.’ We never saw any new supplies.”

2. The Overachiever

“He expected us to answer emails at 3 AM. If we didn’t, he’d berate us in front of everyone.”

3. The Micro-Manager

“She would watch us on the security cameras and call us out for taking too many bathroom breaks.”

4. The Inappropriate One

“My boss asked me to go on a date with him. When I refused, he cut my hours.”

5. The Scapegoat Creator

“Whenever something went wrong, he would blame me, even if I wasn’t involved.”

6. The Gossip

“She loved to spread rumors about everyone in the office. It created such a toxic environment.”

7. The Ghost Boss

“He was never around when we needed him but would show up just to criticize us.”

8. The Credit Taker

“My boss took credit for a project I worked on for months without acknowledging my hard work.”

9. The Rule Bender

“He made us follow strict rules but would break them himself all the time.”

10. The Yeller

“He would scream at us for the smallest mistakes. It was exhausting.”

11. The Unreasonable One

“She expected us to work overtime without any extra pay. If we declined, she threatened to fire us.”

12. The Favoritist

“He had clear favorites and would give them all the best assignments and promotions.”

13. The Disappearing Act

“He would disappear for hours during the day and leave us to deal with everything.”

14. The Non-Payer

“My boss refused to pay us on time, saying the company was struggling, but he drove a brand-new car.”

15. The Critic

“No matter how hard we worked, it was never good enough for him.”

16. The Unprofessional One

“She would make inappropriate jokes and comments that made everyone uncomfortable.”

17. The Liar

“He lied about giving us raises and promotions, stringing us along for years.”

18. The Manipulator

“She would pit employees against each other to see who was more loyal.”

19. The Taskmaster

“He gave us impossible deadlines and then got angry when we couldn’t meet them.”

20. The Cheap One

“She made us reuse old office supplies to save money but spent lavishly on her own needs.”

21. The Clock-Watcher

“He would monitor our clock-in and clock-out times down to the second.”

22. The Bully

“He would publicly shame anyone who made a mistake, no matter how small.”

Have you had a horrible boss experience? You’re not alone. It’s important to share these stories so we can all feel a little less isolated and maybe even have a laugh or two.

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