Friday, September 20, 2024

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12 Lil Sayings That Will Help You Remember How To Spell Words Like Necessary And Success

12 Little Sayings to Help You Spell Tricky Words Like Necessary and Success

1. Necessary

Think of a shirt with one collar and two sleeves: “One Collar, Two Sleeves” (one C, two S’s). That’s how you spell necessary!

2. Definitely

Remember that there’s “a finite amount of certainty” in definitely. It helps to keep the word finite in mind.

3. Separate

There’s “a rat” in separate. Visualize it this way to avoid mixing up the A and E.

4. Embarrass

Embarrass has “two R’s and two S’s.” Think about being really embarrassed, like twice as much!

5. Accommodation

Accommodation has “two cots and two mattresses,” so it needs two C’s and two M’s.

6. Calendar

Calendar ends with “DARling.” Just think of someone you call darling and you won’t misspell it.

7. Rhythm

“Rhythm Helps Your Two Hips Move.” This phrase includes all the letters in rhythm.

8. Privilege

“It is a priviLEGE to have an education,” with the emphasis on the last part to remember the spelling.

9. Liaison

Liaison has “a liar in the middle.” Remembering this will help you place the I’s correctly.

10. Conscience

Your conscience can be remembered as the “inner sense” of right and wrong, which helps with the spelling.

11. Misspell

Ironically, misspell is often misspelled. Just remember it has “miss” in it, as in “don’t miss the second S.”

12. Success

“Success comes in pairs,” which means double C and double S. Easy to remember for such an important word!

These little sayings are perfect memory aids. Next time you’re stuck on a tricky word, just recall these tips from The How-To Zone!

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