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The Interesting Difference Between Ordering An Iced Coffee In America Vs. Europe

The Interesting Difference Between Ordering An Iced Coffee In America Vs. Europe

Ever wondered why ordering an iced coffee in Europe feels so different from doing it in the States? Well, let’s dive into the cool world of iced coffee and explore what sets these two continents apart when it comes to our favorite chilled caffeine fix.

American Iced Coffee Vibes

In America, iced coffee is a staple. You can walk into nearly any café or coffee shop and ask for an iced coffee, and voilà, you have it! It’s typically brewed hot and then cooled down, poured over ice, and often served in large sizes. Some places even offer cold brew as an alternative, which is steeped in cold water for hours, giving it a smoother taste.

European Iced Coffee Experience

Now, let’s jet over to Europe. If you’re craving an iced coffee here, be prepared for a bit of a surprise. In many European countries, iced coffee isn’t as common, and it might not even be on the menu. When you do find it, it could be quite different from what you’re used to.

How To Order Iced Coffee In Europe

If you’re in Italy, you might want to ask for a “caffè freddo.” This is essentially espresso served over ice. In Spain, try ordering “café con hielo,” where they serve you a cup of hot espresso along with a glass of ice, and you mix them yourself. France has its own version called “café glacé,” which is a bit closer to the American iced coffee but still unique.

Expect The Unexpected

One thing to note is that European iced coffee may come sweetened or even with a scoop of ice cream, especially in places like Austria. So, if you prefer your coffee black and unsweetened, make sure to specify that when you order.

Enjoy The Adventure

Part of the fun of traveling is experiencing these little differences. So, next time you’re in Europe and craving that iced coffee, embrace the adventure and enjoy trying something new. Who knows, you might find a new favorite way to enjoy your caffeine kick!

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