Friday, September 20, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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23 Hysterical Parents Who Tweeted Through Another LooOOOoooOOong Week Of Parenthood

1. When your kid’s logic is next-level

“My child just asked if we could have a ‘yes day’ where I say yes to everything they ask for. I said no. They asked if that counted as a yes. I’m still confused.” – @XplodingUnicorn

2. Bedtime struggles are real

“Told my kid it was bedtime, and he asked if he could stay up for one more episode of his show. I said okay, but then he reminded me it was a movie. Now we’re watching all 90 minutes.” – @daddydoubts

3. The art of negotiation

“My kid just traded me a high-five for a cookie. I think I lost in this deal.” – @SarcasticMommy4

4. Homework help gone wrong

“Tried to help my kid with math homework. Now, we both need a tutor.” – @LurkAtHomeMom

5. The joys of silence

“My child has been suspiciously quiet for the past 30 minutes. Either they’re asleep or I’m about to walk into a disaster zone.” – @mom_tho

6. Snack time dilemmas

“Asked my kid what they wanted for a snack. They said, ‘Surprise me.’ I gave them an apple. They were not surprised. Or happy.” – @SimonCHolland

7. Early morning wake-up calls

“Got woken up at 5 AM by my child asking if dinosaurs are still extinct. Thanks for the existential crisis, kid.” – @RamblinMama

8. The never-ending story

“My kid asked me to tell them a bedtime story. 45 minutes later, they’re wide awake, and I am the one falling asleep.” – @MommyNeedsCoffee

9. Parenting level: expert

“Successfully convinced my child that cleaning their room is a fun game. I should get a medal for this.” – @TheDad

10. The power of imagination

“My kid just told me they can’t clean their room because they’re on a secret mission. I want to be mad, but that’s a pretty solid excuse.” – @MomLifeComics

11. Sibling rivalry

“Heard my kids arguing. One said, ‘I’m telling Mom.’ The other replied, ‘Good luck, she’s hiding from us.’ Accurate.” – @DomesticGoddss

12. Mealtime negotiations

“My child just asked if they could have dessert before dinner. I said no. They asked why not. I said because I’m the parent, that’s why. They’re still debating this.” – @MumInBits

13. The bedtime routine

“Told my kid it was time for bed, and they asked, ‘Why do we have to sleep every day?’ Honestly, I don’t know how to answer that.” – @MomOnTheRocks

14. The ultimate compliment

“My child just told me I’m the best mom ever because I let them have two cookies. I’ll take it.” – @ParentingMemes

15. The never-ending questions

“My kid just asked me why the sky is blue. I said I didn’t know. They asked why I didn’t know. I said because I didn’t pay attention in science class. They asked why not. Help.” – @MomOfTheYear

16. The art of distraction

“Just distracted my kid with a shiny object so I could eat the last piece of chocolate in peace. No regrets.” – @FunnyMomScaryMom

17. The quest for independence

“My child just told me they don’t need my help anymore because they’re a ‘big kid’ now. They then proceeded to spill juice all over the kitchen. Independence is messy.” – @RealLifeMom

18. The mystery of missing socks

“My kid just asked me where all their socks go. I have no idea, and honestly, I don’t think anyone does.” – @DadAndBuried

19. The power of persuasion

“My child just convinced me to let them stay up late by promising to clean their room tomorrow. I have been bamboozled.” – @MomOfTwo

20. The bedtime stall tactics

“My kid just asked for a glass of water right after I tucked them in. Classic stall tactic. I fell for it.” – @ParentingTruths

21. The eternal optimist

“My child just told me they’re going to be a millionaire when they grow up. I asked how. They said by selling lemonade. Dream big, kid.” – @OptimisticMom

22. The endless energy

“My child just ran around the house for 10 minutes straight. I’m tired just watching them.” – @ExhaustedParent

23. The bedtime negotiations

“My kid just tried to negotiate staying up later by offering to read me a bedtime story. Well played, child. Well played.” – @CleverMom

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