Friday, September 20, 2024

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15 Subtle First Date Mistakes That Make Guys Run For The Hills

Talking About Your Ex

Bringing up past relationships on a first date can be a major turn-off. It’s best to focus on getting to know each other without the baggage of old flames. Save those stories for later when you’re more comfortable with each other.

Oversharing Personal Details

While honesty is important, there’s no need to dive into deeply personal topics right away. Keep the conversation light and fun. Share enough to pique interest but hold back on the heavy stuff until you’ve built some trust.

Being Too Negative

Constantly complaining or being overly negative can kill the mood. Try to stay positive and highlight the good things in your life. Positivity is contagious and makes for a much more enjoyable date.

Checking Your Phone

Texting or checking your phone during a date can come across as rude and uninterested. Give your full attention to your date; it shows you value their company and are genuinely interested in them.

Talking About Marriage and Kids

Discussing future plans like marriage and kids on a first date can be overwhelming. It’s great to know what you want, but save these conversations for later in the relationship when you’re both more invested.

Ordering Excessively

Ordering the most expensive items on the menu or going overboard with food and drinks can be off-putting. Be considerate and mindful of your date’s budget and appetite.

Being Too Agreeable

Nodding along to everything your date says just to be agreeable can make you seem insincere. Don’t be afraid to share your own opinions and interests. Authenticity is attractive.

Talking Only About Yourself

Monopolizing the conversation and only talking about yourself can make your date feel unimportant. Make sure to ask questions and show genuine interest in their life and experiences.

Not Being Presentable

First impressions matter, so take some time to look presentable. This doesn’t mean you have to go all out, but showing that you put in some effort can go a long way.

Being Late

Arriving late to a date can be seen as disrespectful. Try to be punctual to show that you value and respect your date’s time.

Getting Drunk

Having a drink or two is fine, but getting drunk on a first date can be a major red flag. It can lead to poor decision-making and leave a bad impression.

Bringing Up Controversial Topics

Discussing politics, religion, or other controversial topics can lead to heated debates and discomfort. Stick to neutral, fun topics until you know each other better.

Talking About Money

Discussing salaries, debt, or financial woes can be uncomfortable. Focus on getting to know each other’s personalities and interests instead.

Not Showing Gratitude

Forgetting to say thank you or show appreciation can come off as ungrateful. Simple gestures of gratitude go a long way in making a good impression.

Being Too Physical Too Soon

Physical affection is nice, but too much too soon can be off-putting. Respect personal boundaries and let physical intimacy develop naturally.

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