Friday, September 20, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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“This Would NEVER Happen Today”: 20 Common Behaviors Older Adults Experienced Way Back When That Would Be Considered Wildly Rude Today

Calling Without Texting First

Remember the days when you could just pick up the phone and call someone without giving them a heads-up? Nowadays, it’s considered polite to send a quick text before dialing.

Showing Up Unannounced

Back in the day, dropping by unannounced was totally acceptable. Today, it’s seen as intrusive and rude. A quick text or call is the new norm.

Smoking Indoors

Once upon a time, smoking indoors was common, even in restaurants and offices. Now, it’s banned in most indoor public spaces and considered impolite in someone’s home without permission.

Not RSVPing to Events

RSVPs weren’t always as crucial as they are now. These days, not responding to an invite is seen as inconsiderate, leaving hosts in the lurch.

Using Speakerphone in Public

Years ago, using speakerphone in public wasn’t a big deal. Today, it’s considered disrespectful and annoying to those around you.

Interrupting Conversations

Interrupting used to be more socially acceptable, but now it’s seen as rude. Letting others finish speaking is the courteous way to go.

Sending Thank-You Notes

Handwritten thank-you notes were once a must for any gift or favor. While still appreciated, a heartfelt email or text is often enough today.

Leaving Kids in the Car

It used to be normal to leave kids in the car while running errands. Now, it’s considered dangerous and neglectful, with stricter laws in place.

Eating Before Everyone Is Served

There was a time when it wasn’t a big deal to start eating before everyone else had their food. Today, it’s seen as polite to wait until everyone is served.

Answering the Door Without Checking

People used to answer the door without hesitation. Now, many prefer to check who’s there first, often through a peephole or security camera.

Sending Mass Emails

Mass emails were once a common way to communicate with a group. Today, they’re seen as impersonal and spammy. Individual messages or group chats are preferred.

Borrowing Without Asking

Borrowing items from neighbors or friends without asking was once normal. Now, it’s considered rude and presumptive. Always ask first!

Discussing Salaries

Talking about salaries used to be more common, but now it’s often seen as a taboo topic. Privacy around finances is more respected today.

Bringing Unexpected Guests

Bringing an unexpected guest to a party or gathering used to be okay. Nowadays, it’s polite to check with the host first to avoid surprises.

Leaving Voicemails

Voicemails were once the go-to for missed calls. Today, many people find them inconvenient and prefer a follow-up text instead.

Using All Caps in Messages

Typing in all caps was once just a style choice. Now, it’s considered shouting and can come off as aggressive or rude.

Ignoring Dress Codes

Ignoring dress codes at events used to be more tolerated. Today, adhering to the requested attire is seen as a sign of respect for the host.

Taking the Last Piece

Grabbing the last piece of food without offering it to others first was more accepted in the past. Now, it’s polite to ask if anyone else wants it before taking it.

Talking Loudly on Public Transport

Loud conversations on public transport were once more common. Today, it’s considered rude, and people appreciate quieter surroundings.

Not Saying “Please” and “Thank You”

Basic manners like saying “please” and “thank you” have always been important, but they’re even more emphasized today as signs of respect and courtesy.

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