Thursday, September 19, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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15 Men Who Tried To “Educate” Women About Their Own Bodies And Failed So, So Miserably

15 Men Who Tried To “Educate” Women About Their Own Bodies And Failed So, So Miserably

1. The Tampon Tax Expert

“Why do women need tampons anyway? Just hold it until you get to the bathroom.”

Well, if only it were that simple! It looks like someone needs a quick biology lesson.

2. The Pregnancy Guru

“You can’t get pregnant if you do it standing up.”

Gravity doesn’t work that way, buddy. Pregnancy is about biology, not your gym routine.

3. The Period Pro

“Women shouldn’t complain about periods. Back in the day, they just dealt with it.”

Yes, and back in the day, they also didn’t have indoor plumbing or painkillers. Times have changed, my friend.

4. The Breastfeeding Know-It-All

“Breastfeeding is easy. You just put the baby on and that’s it.”

If only feeding a newborn was as simple as putting together IKEA furniture.

5. The Hormone Specialist

“Women are only emotional because of their hormones.”

Sure, because men never get emotional, right?

6. The Ovulation Oracle

“You can only get pregnant one day a month.”

Ovulation might be tricky, but it’s not that simple. Better read up on that one.

7. The Menstrual Cycle Master

“All women have a 28-day cycle. It’s the same for everyone.”

Actually, cycles can vary greatly from person to person. It’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of deal.

8. The Contraceptive Connoisseur

“Just use the pull-out method. It’s foolproof.”

Newsflash: It’s not foolproof. That’s why there are so many unplanned pregnancies.

9. The Morning Sickness Mentor

“Morning sickness is all in your head. Just think positive.”

If only positive thinking could cure nausea!

10. The Menopause Maven

“Menopause means you can’t have mood swings anymore.”

Hormones can still fluctuate during menopause. It’s not an instant emotional switch-off.

11. The Birth Control Brainiac

“You only need to take birth control when you’re going to have sex.”

Birth control pills need to be taken regularly to be effective. It’s not an on-demand service.

12. The UTI Understanding Guy

“UTIs happen because women don’t clean themselves properly.”

UTIs can occur for many reasons, and hygiene isn’t always the cause. Time to do some research!

13. The Cervical Cancer Commentator

“You don’t need Pap smears if you’re not sexually active.”

Regular Pap smears are important for all women, regardless of sexual activity. Prevention is key!

14. The Fitness Fanatic

“Women can’t lift heavy weights because they’ll get bulky.”

Lifting weights can actually help women build strength without necessarily getting bulky.

15. The Hair Removal Hero

“Women should just shave every day. It’s not that hard.”

Shaving daily can be time-consuming and irritating to the skin. It’s a personal choice, not a requirement.

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