Thursday, September 19, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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The Current TV Show Cancellation Model Is Broken — Here’s Why It Desperately Needs To Be Fixed

TV Show Cancellations Are a Mess — Here’s Why We Need a Change

Ever get hooked on a TV show only to find out it’s been canceled after one season? Yeah, it’s the worst. This happens way too often, and it’s time we talk about why the whole cancellation system is broken and needs a serious fix.

The One-Season Wonder Problem

So many shows these days don’t make it past their first season. You invest your time, get to know the characters, and then, poof, it’s gone. It’s like starting a book and someone ripping it out of your hands halfway through. Not cool, right?

Ratings Aren’t Everything

TV networks often decide the fate of a show based on ratings alone. But here’s the thing: ratings don’t always tell the full story. A show might have a small but super loyal fanbase. These fans are committed and would follow the show anywhere, but their numbers might not be huge. Shouldn’t these passionate viewers count for something?

The Streaming Factor

Streaming services have changed the game. People binge-watch shows at their own pace, and sometimes, it takes a while for a show to gain traction. A show might not be an instant hit, but given time, it could become really popular. Networks need to give shows a chance to find their audience.

Creative Freedom Matters

When creators know they only have one season, they might rush the storyline or leave things unresolved. If shows had a guaranteed two-season run, creators could develop richer stories without worrying about getting cut off too soon. Imagine the amazing content we’d get!

What Can Be Done?

First, networks and streaming platforms should consider more than just ratings. Look at social media buzz, fan engagement, and word-of-mouth. Second, give shows a bit more time to build an audience. And finally, trust the creators. If they believe in their story, maybe we should too.

In the end, everyone wins when good shows get the chance they deserve. So let’s push for a better system that respects both the creators and the fans who love their work.

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