Thursday, September 19, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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18 Insiders Are Revealing Their Industry’s Secrets, And I Can’t Believe My Ears

1. Movie Theaters

Ever wonder why the popcorn at movie theaters smells so good? It’s because they pump the smell of fresh popcorn into the lobby to make you crave it more.

2. Hotel Rooms

Don’t trust those glasses in hotel rooms! Housekeepers often just rinse them with water and put them back, instead of washing them properly.

3. Grocery Stores

Grocery stores often place the most expensive items at eye level. This makes it easier for you to see and buy them without thinking twice.

4. Car Dealerships

Car dealerships make more money from financing and warranties than from selling the cars themselves. So, always double-check those terms!

5. Restaurants

In many restaurants, “specials” are often dishes the kitchen needs to get rid of before the ingredients go bad. Think twice before ordering the special.

6. Airlines

The reason airplane food often tastes bland is that our sense of taste and smell decreases by up to 50% during flights.

7. Retail Stores

Retail stores use a tactic called “loss leaders” where they sell some items at a loss to draw you in, hoping you’ll buy other items at full price.

8. Fast Food

Fast food companies spend millions on advertising to children because they know kids can influence their parents’ buying decisions.

9. Theme Parks

Theme parks use forced perspective in their architecture to make buildings look taller and more impressive than they actually are.

10. Casinos

Casinos don’t have clocks or windows because they want you to lose track of time and keep gambling.

11. Coffee Shops

Coffee shops often play fast-paced music in the morning to encourage people to grab their coffee and go, speeding up the line.

12. Clothing Stores

Ever notice how clothing stores often have a specific scent? They use signature scents to create a memorable experience and keep you coming back.

13. Amusement Parks

Amusement parks place gift shops at the exits of popular rides so you’ll be tempted to buy souvenirs as you leave.

14. Pharmacies

Pharmacies place everyday items like milk and bread at the back so you have to walk through the entire store, potentially picking up other things along the way.

15. Tech Companies

Tech companies often release new models with only slight improvements to make you feel like your current device is outdated.

16. Beauty Products

Beauty products are often marked up by as much as 80%. You’re paying for the brand name, not necessarily the quality.

17. Gyms

Gyms sell more memberships than they can accommodate because they know most people won’t show up regularly.

18. Online Shopping

Online retailers use algorithms to show you higher prices if they think you’re willing to pay more based on your browsing history.

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