Friday, September 13, 2024

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19 Chilling Stories About Actual Things Husband Or Wives Have Done That’ll Keep You Up At Night

19 Chilling Stories About Actual Things Husbands Or Wives Have Done That’ll Keep You Up At Night

1. The Shadow Figure

One night, a husband woke up to see his wife standing next to the bed staring at him. He asked what she was doing, but she didn’t respond. When he reached out to touch her, she vanished. His real wife was sound asleep beside him.

2. The Sleepwalker

A woman’s husband sleepwalks and often stands over her while she sleeps. One night, she woke up to him whispering, “They’re coming for you.” When she asked who, he just went back to bed.

3. The Dream Journal

A man found his wife’s dream journal and read an entry about him being replaced by someone who looked just like him. She had no memory of writing it.

4. The Locked Door

One night, a husband locked the bedroom door and hid the key. When his wife asked why, he said, “To keep them out.” He couldn’t explain who “they” were the next morning.

5. The Secret Room

A woman discovered a hidden room in their house that her husband had built. It was filled with photos of her taken without her knowledge.

6. The Phone Call

A man received a call from his wife’s number, but when he answered, all he heard was heavy breathing. His wife was at work at the time and had no idea how it happened.

7. The Doll Collection

A woman found a collection of dolls in the attic that looked eerily similar to her. Her husband claimed they belonged to the previous owners, but she wasn’t convinced.

8. The Night Terrors

A husband would wake up screaming in the middle of the night, claiming he saw someone standing in the corner of the room. His wife never saw anyone there.

9. The Hidden Camera

A woman found a hidden camera in their bedroom. When she confronted her husband, he said it was for security purposes, but she felt uneasy about it.

10. The Stranger

A man’s wife started calling him by a different name and acted as if he was someone else. She snapped out of it but couldn’t remember doing it.

11. The Disappearing Act

A husband disappeared for hours one night, only to return with no memory of where he had been. This happened several times, leaving his wife worried.

12. The Whisper

A woman woke up to her husband whispering in her ear, but when she turned around, he was sound asleep on the other side of the bed.

13. The Mirror

A man found his wife talking to herself in front of a mirror. She claimed she was talking to her reflection, but he felt something wasn’t right.

14. The Strange Marks

A woman noticed strange marks on her husband’s body that he couldn’t explain. They looked like scratches, but he had no memory of getting them.

15. The Lost Time

A couple experienced lost time together. They would suddenly realize hours had passed without any recollection of what they had done.

16. The Voice

A husband heard his wife’s voice calling him from another room, but when he checked, she was fast asleep in bed. He couldn’t explain the voice.

17. The Doppelgänger

A woman saw her husband outside the house while he was supposedly inside. When she went to check, he was indeed inside and had no idea how she saw him outside.

18. The Night Visitor

A husband claimed he saw a figure visiting their bedroom at night. His wife never saw it, but he was convinced it was real.

19. The Change

A woman noticed her husband’s behavior changing drastically. He became distant and cold, almost as if he was a different person. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

These stories are spine-chilling reminders that sometimes the most unsettling things can happen right under our noses. If you have your own eerie experiences, share them with us at The How-To Zone.

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