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21 Camp Counselors Who Will Never Forget What Wild Things Their Campers Said To Them

21 Camp Counselors Who Will Never Forget What Wild Things Their Campers Said To Them

Being a camp counselor is no easy job. You’re responsible for a bunch of kids who are away from home, often for the first time. It’s a mix of fun, chaos, and moments that leave you scratching your head. Here are 21 hilarious and unforgettable things campers have said to their counselors.

1. The Literal Thinker

“I told a camper to get in line, and he literally lay down on the ground and made a straight line with his body.”

2. The Future Architect

“A kid once asked me if they could build a treehouse in the middle of the lake. I had to explain why that wouldn’t work.”

3. The Philosopher

“A camper looked at me seriously and asked, ‘If we can’t see air, can fish see water?’ I didn’t have an answer.”

4. The Aspiring Chef

“One morning, a camper proudly showed me his breakfast creation: a sandwich made of pancakes, bacon, and syrup. He called it a ‘breakfast burger.’”

5. The Realist

“A little girl asked me if I was married. When I said no, she sighed and said, ‘Don’t worry, my mom says there’s someone out there for everyone.’”

6. The Future Lawyer

“A camper once argued with me for ten minutes about why he should be allowed to wear his pajamas all day. He had some pretty solid points!”

7. The Nature Lover

“During a hike, a camper picked up a stick and declared it his ‘hiking buddy.’ He talked to it the entire way back to camp.”

8. The Budding Scientist

“A kid asked if he could take a jar of lake water home to see if he could grow fish in it. I had to break it to him gently that it wouldn’t work.”

9. The Master Negotiator

“A camper tried to negotiate more s’mores by offering to clean up the campfire area. He got his extra s’mores.”

10. The Animal Whisperer

“One child spent the entire week trying to communicate with squirrels. He swore they were talking back to him.”

11. The Future Poet

“A camper wrote a haiku about mosquitoes. It was surprisingly good, and also very accurate.”

12. The Optimist

“After a particularly rainy day, a camper cheerfully said, ‘Well, at least we don’t have to water the plants!’”

13. The Budding Astronomer

“During a stargazing activity, a camper asked if he could name a star after his dog. We let him.”

14. The Comedian

“A camper once told me a joke that went like this: ‘Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!’”

15. The Future Therapist

“A camper asked me how I was feeling and then gave me a hug because ‘everyone needs a hug sometimes.’”

16. The Budding Artist

“A kid drew a picture of what they thought camp would look like in 50 years. It included flying tents and robot counselors.”

17. The Realist (Again)

“When I asked a camper what he wanted to be when he grew up, he said, ‘I want to be rich so I can buy all the candy I want.’”

18. The Future Historian

“A camper asked me if the camp had always been there or if it magically appeared one day. I had to give a quick history lesson.”

19. The Storyteller

“A child told me an elaborate story about how they saved their neighborhood from a dragon. It was very detailed and very entertaining.”

20. The Budding Environmentalist

“A camper was very concerned about the environment and insisted on picking up every piece of trash they saw, even during activities.”

21. The Future Leader

“One camper took charge of organizing a game and told everyone, ‘We’re going to do this right, or not at all!’ They had great leadership skills.”

Camp may be a place for fun and games, but it’s also a treasure trove of memorable moments and quotes. These campers certainly left their mark on their counselors!

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