Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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21 Camp Counselors Who Will Never Forget What Wild Things Their Campers Said To Them

21 Camp Counselors Who Will Never Forget What Wild Things Their Campers Said To Them

1. The Honest Camper

“I had a camper who looked at me dead in the eyes and said, ‘You know, you’re not like other grown-ups. You’re fun!’ I didn’t know whether to feel flattered or concerned about what other adults were doing.”

2. The Grumpy Morning Person

“One kid told me, ‘I don’t do mornings.’ It was 10 a.m. and we were at breakfast. I guess some people just aren’t morning people, no matter their age.”

3. The Creative Thinker

“A camper once asked, ‘If you could be any animal, what would you be?’ I said a dolphin, expecting her to say something similar. She replied, ‘I’d be a dragon so I could burn my homework.'”

4. The Future Philosopher

“During a quiet moment, a camper asked, ‘Do you ever wonder if we’re all just characters in someone else’s dream?’ That was the day I realized kids think way deeper than we give them credit for.”

5. The Unfiltered Truth

“One kid came up to me and said, ‘My mom says you look tired. Are you okay?’ I guess I need to get more sleep before camp next year.”

6. The Food Critic

“At lunch, a camper looked at his plate and declared, ‘This tastes like sadness.’ Well, it’s camp food, what did he expect?”

7. The Aspiring Scientist

“A camper once asked, ‘If you mix all the sodas together, do you get super soda?’ We tried it, and it was not super, but it was definitely an experiment worth doing.”

8. The Worrier

“One night, a little girl couldn’t sleep because she was worried about spiders crawling into her ears. I had to reassure her that ear-crawling spiders are very rare.”

9. The Budding Lawyer

“A camper argued with me about bedtime, saying, ‘There’s no law that says kids have to sleep at 9 p.m. You can’t make me!’ He had a point, but rules are rules.”

10. The Literal Thinker

“After telling a story about a bear, a camper asked, ‘Is the bear coming to visit us?’ I had to explain that the bear was just part of the story and not a real visitor.”

11. The Future Chef

“A camper once told me, ‘When I grow up, I’m going to make pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.’ Honestly, I support this plan.”

12. The Realist

“One kid said, ‘I don’t like camp. I miss my bed.’ Can’t argue with that. There’s no place like home.”

13. The Inquisitive Mind

“A camper asked, ‘Why is the sky blue?’ I gave my best explanation, but his follow-up question was, ‘Why isn’t it purple then?’ Kids really keep you on your toes.”

14. The Overly Honest Kid

“A camper once told me, ‘My dad says you need a haircut.’ Thanks for the tip, kid.”

15. The Future Actor

“During a talent show, a camper got on stage and said, ‘I’m going to act like my mom when she’s mad.’ It was a spot-on performance.”

16. The Nature Lover

“A camper picked up a bug and said, ‘This is my new pet. I’m naming him Fred.’ Fred didn’t last long, but it was cute while it lasted.”

17. The Straight Shooter

“One kid told me, ‘You’re not my favorite counselor, but you’re okay.’ Honesty is the best policy, I guess.”

18. The Empath

“A camper once said, ‘You look sad. Do you want to talk about it?’ Sometimes kids can be surprisingly sensitive.”

19. The Budding Entrepreneur

“A camper came up with a plan to sell lemonade to other campers. When I asked why, he said, ‘To make money so I can buy more candy.’ Smart kid.”

20. The Future Author

“A camper started telling me a story about a magical forest where animals could talk. It was so detailed, I felt like I was there.”

21. The Comedian

“One kid told me, ‘Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!’ Classic.”

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