Friday, September 20, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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23 Of The Funniest Tweets From Just This Weekend

23 Of The Funniest Tweets From Just This Weekend

1. When you realize adulting isn’t all it’s cracked up to be:

@User1: “Being an adult is just saying, ‘But after this week things will slow down a bit,’ over and over until you die.”

2. The ultimate weekend mood:

@User2: “Me: *buys a plant* My brain: ‘This will fix everything.'”

3. Trying to make plans be like:

@User3: “Friend: ‘You free this weekend?’ Me: ‘I’m free every weekend. I just don’t want to go out.’

4. The struggle is real:

@User4: “Why does the wifi only stop working when I’m about to win an argument online?”

5. When you can’t even with your own brain:

@User5: “My brain has too many tabs open and none of them are responding.”

6. Weekend goals:

@User6: “My goal this weekend is to move just enough so people know I’m not dead.”

7. The ultimate betrayal:

@User7: “Nothing hurts more than realizing you were the toxic one in someone’s story.”

8. When you’re trying to be healthy:

@User8: “Me: *buys salad stuff* Also me: *orders pizza*

9. The reality of work-life balance:

@User9: “Work: 9-5 Me: 5-9

10. When you finally get some alone time:

@User10: “Canceling plans is my favorite hobby.”

11. The joys of adulthood:

@User11: “Adulthood is just texting your friends back and forth about how tired you are.”

12. When you try to be productive:

@User12: “Me: *makes a to-do list* Also me: *takes a nap instead*

13. The weekend diet:

@User13: “Me on Friday: ‘I’m going to eat healthy this weekend.’ Me on Sunday: *surrounded by pizza boxes and ice cream cartons*

14. The never-ending cycle:

@User14: “Every Sunday night: ‘I can’t believe the weekend is over already.’

15. When you try to save money:

@User15: “Me: *decides to save money* Also me: *buys unnecessary stuff online*

16. Weekend plans:

@User16: “My weekend plans: 1. Netflix 2. Maybe something else 3. Probably not though”

17. The Monday dread:

@User17: “Sunday night me: ‘I refuse to accept that tomorrow is Monday.’

18. When you just can’t adult anymore:

@User18: “Me: ‘I need an adult.’ Also me: ‘Wait, I am an adult.’

19. The weekend cleaning struggle:

@User19: “Cleaning my house is like brushing my teeth while eating Oreos.”

20. When you try to be social:

@User20: “Me: ‘I’m going to be social this weekend.’ Also me: *stays home and watches TV*

21. The struggle of getting up:

@User21: “Me every morning: ‘Just five more minutes.’

22. The weekend vibe:

@User22: “My weekend vibe is doing as little as humanly possible.”

23. When you realize it’s Monday again:

@User23: “Monday: ‘Did you miss me?’ Me: ‘No, not at all.’

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