Thursday, September 19, 2024

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We Asked Couples Therapists To Share Their Biggest Red Flags When It Comes To Couples Heading For Divorce, And Here’s What They Said

We Asked Couples Therapists To Share Their Biggest Red Flags When It Comes To Couples Heading For Divorce, And Here’s What They Said

Communication Breakdown

One of the biggest red flags therapists see is a breakdown in communication. When couples stop talking or only engage in negative interactions, it’s a sign that things are heading south. Healthy communication is the cornerstone of any strong relationship.

Lack of Intimacy

Intimacy isn’t just about physical closeness; it’s also about emotional connection. If you’re not sharing your thoughts, feelings, and dreams with your partner, it can create a significant rift. A lack of intimacy often signals deeper issues that need addressing.

Constant Criticism

Criticism can be toxic if it becomes a regular part of your interactions. It’s different from constructive feedback because it attacks your partner’s character rather than their behavior. Over time, constant criticism can erode the foundation of your relationship.


When one or both partners are always on the defensive, it makes resolving conflicts nearly impossible. Defensiveness shuts down open communication and leads to a cycle of blame and resentment. Learning to listen and understand each other is crucial.


Stonewalling happens when one partner withdraws from the conversation, either emotionally or physically. This can leave the other partner feeling abandoned and unheard. Consistent stonewalling can be a major obstacle to resolving issues.


Contempt is one of the most destructive behaviors in a relationship. It involves speaking to your partner with disrespect, sarcasm, or ridicule. Contempt indicates a deep-seated negative view of your partner and can be very damaging.

Living Separate Lives

When couples start living more like roommates than partners, it’s a red flag. This can happen gradually, as interests and activities diverge. Maintaining a sense of togetherness is important for long-term relationship health.

Unresolved Conflicts

Every couple has disagreements, but how you handle them matters. If conflicts remain unresolved and keep resurfacing, it can create ongoing tension. Addressing issues head-on and finding solutions is key to a happy relationship.

Financial Issues

Money problems can put a huge strain on a relationship. Disagreements about spending, saving, and financial priorities can lead to stress and resentment. Open and honest discussions about finances are essential.

No Fun Together

Remember when you used to have fun together? If you’ve stopped enjoying each other’s company and rarely do things together, it’s a warning sign. Having fun together helps strengthen your bond and keeps the relationship vibrant.


Cheating is a major breach of trust that can be hard to recover from. While some couples do manage to rebuild their relationship after infidelity, it requires a lot of work and commitment from both partners.

Feeling Unappreciated

Everyone wants to feel valued and appreciated. When one or both partners feel taken for granted, it can lead to feelings of resentment and disconnect. Regularly expressing gratitude and appreciation can make a big difference.

Recognizing these red flags early on can help you address issues before they become insurmountable. If you notice any of these signs in your relationship, consider seeking help from a couples therapist. They can provide guidance and tools to help you reconnect and strengthen your bond.

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