Friday, September 20, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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22 People Who Posted Things So Dumb They Honestly Need To Have Their Computer Taken Away From Them

22 People Who Posted Things So Dumb They Honestly Need To Have Their Computer Taken Away From Them

1. The Geography Expert

Someone posted a map of the United States and labeled Australia as a state. Yes, Australia. Not even close!

2. The Time Traveler

This person wondered aloud why people didn’t use cell phones during the Civil War. It’s called history for a reason.

3. The Flat-Earther

One individual claimed that airplanes fly straight because the Earth is flat. Science class must have been a blur for them.

4. The Math Genius

Someone tried to divide 2020 by 5 and got 402. No calculator needed, just some basic math skills.

5. The Language Pro

A person was amazed to learn that people in England speak English. Mind blown!

6. The Tech Savvy

Someone asked how to download more RAM. Clearly, they need a crash course on computer hardware.

7. The Animal Lover

This individual thought that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. Moo-ve over, science!

8. The Weather Expert

Someone argued that winter happens because the sun takes a nap. That’s not how seasons work.

9. The History Buff

This person was puzzled about why we don’t see dinosaurs at the zoo. They went extinct millions of years ago!

10. The Movie Critic

Someone believed that “Titanic” was just a movie and not based on real events. Spoiler: it was a real ship.

11. The Space Cadet

An individual wondered if Mars has Wi-Fi. Interplanetary Internet isn’t quite there yet.

12. The Health Guru

This person thought that drinking water could make you gain weight because it’s liquid. Hydration doesn’t work like that.

13. The Conspiracy Theorist

Someone insisted that snow is fake and made by the government. Winter wonderland, or government conspiracy?

14. The Financial Advisor

An individual suggested printing more money to fix the economy. Inflation says otherwise.

15. The Geography Whiz

This person thought Africa was a country. It’s actually a continent with 54 countries.

16. The Foodie

Someone asked if vegetarians can eat animal crackers. It’s just a snack, folks.

17. The Film Enthusiast

This individual believed that “The Lion King” was based on a true story. Animated lions don’t count.

18. The Grammar Police

Someone corrected “your” with “you’re” in a sentence where it was already correct. Oops!

19. The Space Enthusiast

An individual asked why astronauts don’t just fly to the sun at night. Nighttime doesn’t change the temperature of the sun.

20. The Biologist

This person was confused about why fish don’t drown. Fish breathe underwater using gills, not lungs.

21. The Environmentalist

Someone suggested that cutting down the Amazon rainforest would stop global warming. Trees help absorb carbon dioxide!

22. The Tech Innovator

An individual wanted to know if they could charge their phone by microwaving it. Don’t try this at home—ever!

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