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This 10 Question Quiz Is 99% Accurate In Determining Whether Or Not You’re A Picky Eater

Are You a Picky Eater? Take This Fun Quiz to Find Out!

Welcome to The How-To Zone, where we’re all about helping you discover more about yourself in the most fun ways possible! Today, we’re diving into the quirky world of picky eaters. Are you someone who turns up their nose at certain foods, or are you an adventurous eater ready to try anything once? Let’s find out with this quick and easy quiz!

Why Take the Quiz?

Eating habits say a lot about us. Whether you’re the one always ordering chicken nuggets or the friend daring others to try bizarre dishes, this quiz will reveal where you stand on the picky eater spectrum. It’s just ten questions, and it’s super simple. Plus, it’s a great conversation starter with friends and family!

The Quiz

Grab a pen and paper or just keep track in your head as you answer these questions:

  1. What’s your take on sushi? Yum, bring it on! / No thanks, raw fish isn’t for me.
  2. How do you feel about spicy food? The spicier, the better! / Mild, please.
  3. Ever tried escargot (snails)? Yes, and I’d have it again! / No way, that’s not happening.
  4. Brussels sprouts: love them or hate them? Love them! / Hate them!
  5. Do you enjoy experimenting with new recipes at home? Absolutely, it’s my favorite hobby! / Not really, I stick to what I know.
  6. Pineapple on pizza: a delicious combo or a culinary crime? Delicious! / Definitely a crime.
  7. Are you open to trying international cuisines? Yes, I love exploring different flavors! / I’d rather not stray from my favorites.
  8. When traveling, do you eat local specialties? Always, it’s part of the adventure! / I prefer familiar foods.
  9. How often do you eat the same meal in a week? Rarely, I like variety! / Often, I stick to my go-tos.
  10. Do you have any “never-eat” foods? Nope, I’ll try anything! / Yes, I have a list!


Count how many times you leaned towards the first option versus the second:

  • Mostly first options: You’re definitely not a picky eater! Your taste buds are always up for a new challenge, and you love exploring all kinds of foods.
  • Mostly second options: You might be a bit of a picky eater, but that’s okay! You know what you like and stick to it. Maybe step out of your comfort zone now and then—who knows what you might discover?

So, how did you score? Whether you’re a fearless foodie or a selective snacker, there’s no right or wrong way to enjoy your meals. Share your results with friends and see how they compare! Keep exploring, and happy eating!

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