Friday, January 31, 2025

Top 5 This Week

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CVS And Walgreens Employees Are Sharing The Things They Absolutely Hate That Customers Do And I’m Embarrassed To Say I’ve Done Some Of These

What Not to Do at CVS and Walgreens: Insider Tips from Employees

Hey there, fellow shoppers! Ever wondered what you might be doing wrong at your local CVS or Walgreens? Well, some employees have spilled the beans on what really grinds their gears. Let’s dive into some of these no-no’s, so we can all shop a little smarter and kinder.

1. Ignoring the Line System

First up, those lines are there for a reason! Jumping ahead or ignoring the queue is a big no-go. Everyone’s got places to be, so let’s all respect the line and keep things moving smoothly.

2. Treating the Store Like a Trash Can

It might seem obvious, but please don’t leave garbage in random aisles. Employees work hard to keep the store tidy, and every little bit of help counts. So, if you’ve got wrappers or empty cups, kindly find a trash can.

3. Last-Minute Checkout Surprises

We’ve all been there—finding that perfect item just as you’re about to check out. But grabbing a few extra things while the cashier is ringing you up can slow things down. Try to have everything ready before you hit the register.

4. Asking for Discounts at the Register

Love a good deal? Who doesn’t? But asking for discounts at the register can hold up the line. Check for sales beforehand or ask about promotions when you enter the store. That way, everyone gets through faster.

5. Using Your Phone at the Register

We get it, phones are life. But when it’s time to pay, try focusing on the transaction. It makes things quicker and easier for everyone involved.

6. Leaving Items Anywhere

Changed your mind about an item? No worries! Just hand it to a staff member instead of leaving it in a random spot. It keeps the store organized and helps employees restock efficiently.

There you have it! A few simple ways we can make shopping at CVS and Walgreens better for everyone. Happy shopping and remember, a little courtesy goes a long way!

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