Friday, September 20, 2024

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Tell Us Something SUPER Petty That You Did After Dumping Your S.O.

Tell Us Something SUPER Petty That You Did After Dumping Your S.O.

We all have our moments of pettiness, especially after a breakup!

Breakups can be tough, and sometimes we just can’t help but act a little petty. We asked readers to share their most ridiculous post-breakup antics. Here are some of the funniest and pettiest things people have done after saying goodbye to their exes.

1. The Social Media Clean Sweep

“After we broke up, I went through all my social media and deleted every single picture of us together. Then, I blocked him on everything. I wanted to erase him from my life completely.”

2. The Netflix Revenge

“My ex and I shared a Netflix account. When we broke up, I changed the password and binged all the shows I knew he was watching. Petty? Maybe. Satisfying? Absolutely.”

3. The Ultimate Unfollow

“I didn’t just unfollow my ex. I unfollowed all his friends and family too. If he wanted to stalk me, he’d have to do it the hard way.”

4. The Playlist Purge

“I went through our shared Spotify playlist and removed every song he added. Then, I made a new playlist full of breakup anthems and made it public. Take that!”

5. The Petty Post-it

“When I moved out, I left little notes around the apartment with passive-aggressive messages like ‘Hope you enjoy doing your own laundry!’ and ‘Good luck finding someone as amazing as me!’

6. The Silent Treatment

“After our breakup, I decided to give him the silent treatment. Not just in person, but digitally too. No replies to texts, no answering calls, nothing. It drove him crazy.”

7. The Gift Return

“I returned every gift he ever gave me. Even the ones I liked. I didn’t want any reminders of him in my life.”

8. The Name Change

“In my phone, I changed his contact name to ‘Do Not Answer.’ It was a constant reminder not to fall back into old habits.”

Breakups can bring out the petty side in all of us. Have you ever done something super petty after a breakup? Share your story with The How-To Zone!

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