Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Top 5 This Week

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What’s a small hill that you would ABSOLUTELY die on?

What’s a Small Hill That You Would ABSOLUTELY Die On?

Everyone has that one small thing they believe in so strongly that they’re willing to argue about it forever. It’s like a tiny hill they’re ready to defend, no matter what. Here are some of those quirky, funny, and sometimes totally serious “hills” people are willing to die on.

Toilet Paper Orientation

Believe it or not, the way you hang toilet paper can really get people going. Some folks insist it should roll over the top, while others are die-hard under-the-bottom supporters. It’s such a small detail, but for many, it’s non-negotiable.

Pineapple on Pizza

This debate never gets old. Some people love the sweet and savory mix of pineapple on pizza, while others think it’s an atrocity. If you ask someone who feels strongly about it, they’ll argue their side passionately every single time.

Oxford Comma

Grammar enthusiasts will fight to the end about the Oxford comma. This little punctuation mark can cause big disagreements. Whether you’re for or against it, once you’ve picked a side, there’s no turning back.

Milk Before Cereal?

This breakfast routine can spark major debates. Do you pour your cereal first and then add milk, or do you put the milk in the bowl first? Each method has its loyal fans, and neither side is backing down anytime soon.

GIF Pronunciation

How do you pronounce GIF? Is it with a hard “G” like “gift,” or a soft “G” like “jif”? The internet is divided, and people are ready to defend their pronunciation to the bitter end.

These small hills might seem trivial, but they’re a fun reminder of how diverse our opinions can be. Next time you’re in a lighthearted argument, remember: everyone has their hill to die on!

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