Friday, September 20, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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19 Things That People Believed Were 100% True But Ended Up Being 100% False

19 Things That People Believed Were 100% True But Ended Up Being 100% False

1. “Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis”

For years, people were told that cracking their knuckles would lead to arthritis. Turns out, it’s just a myth! Your joints are safe, but maybe keep it down—it can be annoying.

2. “You eat seven spiders a year in your sleep”

This creepy idea is completely false. Spiders are not interested in climbing into your mouth while you snooze. Sleep tight!

3. “Goldfish have a three-second memory”

Goldfish actually have pretty decent memories. They can remember things for months, so give your fish some credit.

4. “Bats are blind”

Bats can see just fine. They use echolocation to navigate in the dark, but they aren’t blind by any means.

5. “Shaving makes hair grow back thicker”

Shaving does not change the thickness or color of your hair. It just feels that way because the hair grows back with a blunt tip.

6. “Humans only use 10% of their brains”

This one has been debunked many times. We use all parts of our brain, just not all at once.

7. “Lightning never strikes the same place twice”

Lightning can and does strike the same place more than once. Tall buildings and trees are frequent targets.

8. “The Great Wall of China is visible from space”

While impressive, the Great Wall is not visible from space with the naked eye. It’s just too narrow.

9. “You can get warts from toads”

Warts are caused by a virus, not toads. So, feel free to handle toads without worry.

10. “You must wait 24 hours before reporting someone missing”

If someone is missing, report it immediately. There’s no need to wait, and doing so could waste valuable time.

11. “Chameleons change color to blend in”

Chameleons actually change color based on their mood, temperature, and light, not just to camouflage themselves.

12. “Sushi means raw fish”

Sushi actually refers to the vinegared rice, not the fish. You can have sushi without any raw fish at all.

13. “Bulls hate red”

Bulls are colorblind to red. They charge at the movement of the matador’s cape, not the color.

14. “Dogs sweat by salivating”

Dogs actually sweat through their paw pads, not by salivating. Panting helps them cool down.

15. “Humans have five senses”

We actually have many more senses, including balance, temperature, and pain. Five is just the basic list.

16. “You need to drink eight glasses of water a day”

Hydration needs vary from person to person. Drink when you’re thirsty and you’ll usually be fine.

17. “Einstein failed math as a child”

Einstein was actually quite good at math. This myth likely started from a misunderstanding or misquote.

18. “Vikings wore horned helmets”

There’s no evidence that Vikings wore horned helmets in battle. This image comes from artistic representations long after the Viking age.

19. “Ostriches bury their heads in the sand”

Ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand. When scared, they lie low and press their necks to the ground, which can look like head-burying from afar.

There you have it! Some myths busted and truths revealed. Keep questioning what you hear, and you’ll always be learning something new.

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