Friday, September 20, 2024

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This Person Suspects That Their New Coworker Isn’t The Guy They Interviewed, But Their Boss Hasn’t Even Noticed

Something’s Fishy with My New Coworker

Hey everyone, welcome back to The How-To Zone! Today, we’ve got a wild story from Reddit that’ll make you question everything. Imagine starting a new job and realizing your coworker isn’t who they said they were. Well, that’s what happened to one user, and it’s pretty mind-blowing.

The Interview

So, our storyteller works at a tech company, and they had to interview a candidate for an open position. Everything seemed normal during the interview, but once the new hire started working, things got weird.

The Suspicion

On the first day, the new coworker, let’s call him “John,” didn’t seem to know anything he was supposed to. Our storyteller thought maybe John was just nervous, but as days went by, it became clear something was off. John couldn’t answer basic questions and seemed lost most of the time.

The Realization

Then, it hit them: what if John wasn’t the person they interviewed? They remembered small details that didn’t match up, like the way he talked and his knowledge level. It felt like a different person altogether.

Confronting the Boss

With growing suspicions, our storyteller decided to talk to their boss. But here’s the kicker – the boss hadn’t noticed anything! They were too busy to see the red flags. So, our storyteller laid out all the inconsistencies, but the boss brushed it off, thinking it was just nerves.

The Aftermath

Now, our storyteller is stuck working with someone who might not be who they claim to be. It’s frustrating, but also a bit amusing. They’re keeping an eye on John, hoping the truth will come out sooner or later.

And that’s the crazy tale of how a Reddit user ended up with a mysterious new coworker. What would you do in this situation? Let us know in the comments below!

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