Sunday, September 22, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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“It’s ‘Giving’ What???”: Older People Are Sharing The Most Confusing Things About Today’s Youth

It’s ‘Giving’ What???

Ever feel like you need a translator to understand the younger generation? You’re not alone! Older folks are scratching their heads over some of today’s trends and lingo. Here are some of the most baffling things about today’s youth, as shared by those who just don’t get it.

The Lingo

Let’s start with the language. Phrases like “it’s giving” and “no cap” have left many older people completely confused. What exactly is it giving? And what happened to just saying “I’m serious”? It seems like every day there’s a new term that needs decoding.

Fashion Choices

The fashion world has always been a bit of a mystery, but today’s styles are really throwing some folks for a loop. High-waisted jeans, oversized everything, and the return of the fanny pack? It’s like a blend of every past decade’s trends, and not everyone is on board.


Remember when phones were just for calling? Today’s youth are glued to their screens, whether it’s for texting, scrolling through social media, or playing games. The rapid pace of technology changes has left some older folks feeling like they’ll never catch up.

Social Media

Speaking of social media, platforms like TikTok and Instagram are a whole new world. The idea of becoming famous from short videos or curated photo feeds is something many older people find hard to grasp. And let’s not even get started on influencers!

Communication Styles

Texting has become the primary way of communicating, and the days of long phone calls seem to be fading. Emojis, GIFs, and memes are now the norm, leaving some older folks longing for more straightforward conversations.


Binge-watching TV shows and streaming everything online is a huge shift from the days of scheduled programming and movie theaters. Many older people are amazed at how quickly younger generations consume content and move on to the next big thing.

Work Culture

The traditional 9-to-5 job is becoming less common, with more young people opting for gig work, freelancing, or remote jobs. The idea of working from anywhere is exciting for some but baffling for others who are used to the structure of an office environment.

So, if you’re feeling out of the loop, you’re not alone. The How-To Zone is here to help bridge the gap and make sense of these generational differences. Stay tuned for more insights and tips on navigating the ever-changing landscape of youth culture!

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