Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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22 Leaked Screenshots Of Teachers Who Were Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Stricter Than Any Teacher You’ve Ever Had

Teachers Who Took Strictness to a Whole New Level

1. No Bathroom Breaks Allowed

One teacher decided that bathroom breaks were too disruptive and banned them entirely during class. Students had to wait until the bell rang!

2. The Outrageous Late Policy

Another teacher had a strict policy where even being one second late meant you were marked absent for the whole day. Talk about intense!

3. The Homework Overload

This teacher thought giving out five hours of homework every night was a good idea. Students barely had time to sleep, let alone have any fun.

4. No Snacks in Class

One particularly strict teacher wouldn’t allow any food or drinks in the classroom. Even a small sip of water could get you in trouble.

5. Dress Code Drama

Imagine getting sent home for wearing the wrong color socks. That’s exactly what happened in this teacher’s class. The dress code was non-negotiable.

6. The Silent Treatment

In this classroom, speaking out of turn wasn’t just frowned upon—it earned you a detention. Silence was golden, and enforced.

7. No Excuses, Ever

One teacher refused to accept any excuses for missed assignments, no matter what the reason. Sick? Too bad. Family emergency? Still counts as a zero.

8. The Ultimate Pop Quiz

A teacher once handed out a pop quiz that covered material from an entire semester, even though it was only the second week of classes. Students were not amused.

9. The Unforgiving Grader

This teacher would mark down your grade if you used a different shade of ink than blue or black. It didn’t matter how good your work was; the color was the dealbreaker.

10. The Seating Chart From Hell

Assigned seating was taken to a new level when one teacher changed the seating chart every single day. Students never knew where they’d end up sitting.

11. The Tech Tyrant

Using tech in class? Not in this teacher’s room. Even having your phone visible could get you a failing grade for the day.

12. The Overly Punctual Teacher

Being early was mandatory in this class. If you weren’t seated and ready to go five minutes before the bell, you were considered late.

13. The No-Note-Taking Rule

One teacher didn’t allow students to take notes during lectures, claiming it was a distraction. Students had to memorize everything on the spot.

14. The Participation Enforcer

Participation wasn’t just encouraged; it was required. If you didn’t speak at least once per class, your grade would suffer.

15. The Anti-Group Work Advocate

Group projects? Not in this class. This teacher believed that all work should be done individually, no exceptions.

16. The Essay Perfectionist

One teacher demanded essays be written in perfect cursive handwriting. If it wasn’t up to their standards, you had to redo it.

17. The No-Extra-Credit Policy

Need a boost to your grade? Not with this teacher. Extra credit was completely off the table, no matter how hard you begged.

18. The Strict Attendance Enforcer

Missing even one day of school meant you had to do double the work to make up for it. This teacher made sure attendance was a top priority.

19. The No-Late-Work Rule

If your assignment wasn’t in by the deadline, it was an automatic zero. No extensions, no exceptions.

20. The Reading Requirement

Some teachers assign a book or two per semester. This teacher? Try ten books, with quizzes on each one.

21. The No-Excuse Test Policy

Feeling unwell on test day? Too bad. This teacher wouldn’t allow make-up tests under any circumstances.

22. The Extra-Long Class Periods

One teacher extended class periods by 15 minutes without any approval, making students late for their next classes regularly. Ouch!

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