15 Infuriating Screenshots Of Men Who Suffer From Such Severe Delusions They Think They’re “Nice Guys”
1. The Fake Friend
This guy pretends to be a friend, but his nice act is just a cover for his real intentions. When he doesn’t get what he wants, he shows his true colors.
2. The Entitled Texter
He thinks that just because he sent a few texts, he’s entitled to your attention. When you don’t respond the way he expects, he gets angry and rude.
3. The Backhanded Complimenter
This guy will give you a compliment, but there’s always a catch. If you don’t accept his advances, he’ll quickly turn on you and say something hurtful.
4. The Guilt Tripper
He tries to make you feel bad for not giving him what he wants. He’ll say things like, “I thought you were different” or “I guess I was wrong about you.”
5. The Overly Persistent
Even after you’ve made it clear you’re not interested, he keeps pushing. He doesn’t respect your boundaries and can’t take no for an answer.
6. The Manipulator
He uses emotional manipulation to try to get his way. He might play the victim or pretend to be hurt in order to make you feel guilty.
7. The Insecure Insulter
When he feels rejected, he lashes out with insults. He tries to bring you down to make himself feel better.
8. The Oblivious One
He’s completely unaware of how his actions affect others. He thinks he’s being nice, but he’s actually being intrusive and disrespectful.
9. The Self-Proclaimed Nice Guy
He constantly tells you how nice he is, as if saying it enough times will make it true. His actions, however, tell a different story.
10. The Love Bomber
He overwhelms you with affection and attention at first, but once he doesn’t get what he wants, he turns cold and distant.
11. The Condescending Complainer
He complains about how women never go for “nice guys” like him, while failing to see that his attitude is the problem.
12. The Jealous Judger
He judges you for your choices and gets jealous if you show interest in anyone else. He believes he deserves your attention more than anyone else.
13. The Fake Feminist
He claims to support women’s rights, but only when it’s convenient for him. His true beliefs come out when he’s rejected.
14. The Victim
He plays the victim card, making it seem like he’s the one being mistreated. He tries to gain sympathy by exaggerating his feelings.
15. The Passive-Aggressive
He uses passive-aggressive tactics to express his frustration. Instead of being direct, he makes snide comments or gives you the silent treatment.