Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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20 Hysterical Black Tweets That Made Me Snort With Laughter This Week

1. The Ultimate Side-Eye

“When your mom gives you that look in church and you know you’re in trouble later.”

We’ve all been there, right? That intense side-eye from Mom that says, “Just wait till we get home.”

2. The Struggle is Real

“Trying to explain to my grandma how to use her new smartphone is like teaching a cat to swim.”

Grandparents and technology, a match made in confusion!

3. The Classic Excuse

“Me: ‘I don’t have any money.’ Also me: *orders takeout for the third time this week*”

It’s amazing how quickly our financial priorities change when we’re hungry.

4. Hair Woes

“That moment when you realize you’ve been styling your hair wrong your whole life.”

Discovering a new hair technique can be life-changing.

5. The Unspoken Bond

“When you and a stranger share a look because you both know the food isn’t seasoned enough.”

Nothing brings people together like bland food.

6. The Never-Ending Diet

“Starting a diet on Monday and ending it by Tuesday afternoon.”

We’ve all been there. Diets are hard!

7. The Group Chat

“When your group chat gets lit and you’re trying to keep up at work.”

Balancing work and social life can be a real juggling act.

8. The Unexpected Flex

“When you accidentally flex on your ex by looking amazing at the grocery store.”

Sometimes, the universe just aligns perfectly.

9. The Family Function

“Trying to avoid that one relative who always asks too many personal questions.”

Family gatherings can be a minefield of awkward conversations.

10. The Workout Plan

“Buying workout clothes but never actually working out.”

Looking the part is half the battle, right?

11. The Netflix Binge

“Promising yourself you’ll watch just one episode and suddenly it’s 3 AM.”

Netflix has a way of making time disappear.

12. The Alarm Clock

“Setting five alarms and still hitting snooze on all of them.”

Mornings are tough for so many of us.

13. The Cooking Fail

“Trying a new recipe and it looks nothing like the picture.”

Expectation vs. reality in the kitchen can be brutal.

14. The Unexpected Bill

“Opening your mail and seeing a bill you forgot about.”

Surprise bills are the worst kind of surprises.

15. The Social Media Stalk

“Accidentally liking a photo from 52 weeks ago.”

We’ve all done it. The accidental deep scroll like is real.

16. The Busy Life

“Saying you’re busy but really just taking a nap.”

Sometimes, self-care means taking a nap.

17. The Pet Parent

“When you talk to your pet like they understand every word.”

Pets are family, after all.

18. The Grocery Store

“Going to the store for one thing and leaving with a cart full.”

It’s a universal shopping experience.

19. The Dance Move

“Breaking out your best dance moves when no one’s watching.”

Everyone’s a superstar in their own living room.

20. The Online Shopping

“Adding things to your cart just to see how much it would cost.”

Window shopping has gone digital.

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